On April 21, we will find out what the gender of our little ricey is! We cannot wait!!!
Another thing that happened this month is Ty surprised the sin out of me!! He decided he wanted to drive me to school, which is weird because he rather sleep 99 percent of the days that he does not have class and I do. I was too focused on thinking about calculus that I did not have time to figure out what he wa up to. He then picked me up and told me he dropped his phone under the seat and asked if I could grab it for him. When I went to reach down I found a bag. In this bag was 2 gift certificates. One for a massage, the other for a girlfriend and me to get a pedicure. I got so embarassed, which made him laugh! It was so sweet of him and I did not see it coming. I also loved watching him smile all day becaue he surprised me and finally bought me something! I am so lucky to have such an amazing husband. (Dont worry I already used the massage, it was a hot stone massage and it was HEAVENLY!!!)
We also received our rocking chair and moved the rocking shair into the den where the baby will sleep and moved the piano out in the living room (where my mother says it belongs.) Thank you Melaleuca! It is because of them we got our rocking chair for free. They do a rewards point system, in which you have so many certain points, it is worth so much american money. Ty had saved up his points and we got a really nice chair for free!!! YAY!
Lat night was probably one of the greatest nights. There were previous tenants that lived above us who thought they could just store their bikes in front of our neighbors yard for as long as they wanted, but it has been more than half a year and they have yet to pick them up. So we took them for a ride! :) As we were out riding, Ty realized he hates the bike he is riding and wanted us to go buy our own! So guess what we did? YUP, we went to walmart and bought bikes! Then we went for a bike ride. Today I am going to pick ty up at work with my bike (his bike is there) and we are going for a lovely ride!! I am so excited!! We have so many plans to just ride bikes. Riding bikes take me back to the mission, so I absolutely would ride a bike everyday if I did not have to be in class at 745!
this is my yes face
Yeah, well Jeff surprised me with 16 pedicures, 3 4-hour massages, $20,000 to just go shopping with and buy whatever I want and really expensive jewelry... but I mean, that's cool with what Ty got you.... haha jk that's tight! What a sweet husb. That's soo weird you have a fetus growing inside of you. I hope you're showing by the time you come down for the wedding! Can't wait to see you!
How fun! Sweet baby! I think It has my eyes :) Happy, Fun times!! We love you guys!!
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