With the polls in 34% percent of you guessed girl, 62% guess boy and 4% (Natalie and Shay) guessed chicken!
Today at 2 pm we went in to find out the gender of our little one. Are we having little Sheilin Ann or Tanner Abram? Here is the first ultrasound we saw:
The midwife said to us, "I will let you guess." Here is one leg, here is the other and here is....." We were thrilled when we saw it was a little boy. Isnt this a cute little picture of his bum?! He was being great when the midwife took pictures of his spine and legs and heart etc... but when she tried to do a 3-d picture he took after his mommy and hid from the pictures. He kept putting his hands up. Here are a few of those photos:
Here is me at 20 weeks!
Wooohoo! Can't wait to welcome little Tanner to the world! And you look great Kelli!
Yeah!!! He is adorable already! I wonder if he will be a thumbsucker? We are so happy for you! I am on the look out for little boys clothes!
Hi Kelli and Ty, Congratulation on the your new little one Tanner Abram. I knew he was a boy. I have some cute things for him. We are still planning on you riding to Kyrk's graduation. We had a short memory laps about you going over with us. Please do.Mom said something about the train. One comes into Ephrata. We could pick you up there. June 11th. GrMa
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