We had the most amazing christmas this year is Las Vegas! It was a beautiful 60-70 degree weather. We saw great movies, had amazing food, got great gifts, but mostly it was just fun hanging out with family! This was the first time everyone was together outside of our wedding (which we did not really get to see everyone due to the fact it was our wedding and lots of things were going on.) It was fun seeing the little kiddies! It was fun hanging out with Xochitl and Byron. It was so much fun seeing the newly engaged couple Tori and Sean! It reminded Ty and I when we were engaged, aw the blissful days when you dont think life could get any better but the great thing is-- it gets better everyday! They are embarking in a journey that they have no idea what is going to happen. It is exciting! We got to take Tori dress shopping and she found a beautiful dress! We found some great clothes too! wahoo! We got to see Cody and Christina's new place, which is BOMB! It so much fun seeing the girls, sometimes i wish we lived closer to see them more often!
We ate Tur-duc-hen, made yummy tamales, had delicious short rib soup, and EGG NOG! YESSSS!!! We played nertz (no worries ty left and went long boarding with chris and eric because he hates card games ha. Which he loved doing!) We took the kids to the park, we played dog for the kids (i got yelled at a lot and told i was a mean dog and had to be in time out... i was just biting people!! :)) We saw many great christmas lights and played MUUUUURRRRDER IN THE DAAARRRK! Pretty much Eric stunk at that game, but it was so muh fun! We ate tiawanese food and got massages, but not until after tori and xochitl got in an accident! Stupid people who think they can drive where ever they want and get away with it!! That was scary but we had witnesses even say it was not her fault, it was the crazy old woman who t-boned them. I was in heaven speaking chinese while getting a massage!
We drove Xochitl to Knab and on the way up to SLC, we hit a horrible blizzard, where we literally could not see more than 2 feet in front of us. So we pulled off to a small town called fillmore. Stayed in a 25 dollar motel and ate chinese food at a chinese restraunt, you know the waitress spoke chinese, so i was in heaven again! The food wasnt too bad either! We got back safely to rexburg and we worked! The new year has been great so far!
We just started our new semester and it looks to be a busy one! We are excited to learn lots of new things! I am particularly excited about my physics class where i will learn about thermo dynamics, wave optics, oscillation and more! I am stoked but intimidated! Ty is mostly excited for IBC, where he creates a business and runs it! It is fun thinking about last year! We did so many amazing things, made amazing experiences and cannot wait for this year to see the trials and blessings that it will bring!
Happy belated New year!
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