We went to a Melaluca Party and there we got to the Mozart Group. Here is a video of them:
You must watch the whole thing! They were so funny!!!! We had a great time watching them. we were so impressed by their understandng of american humor and their ability to play their instruments!
We were also given a turkey, thanks to Melaleuca! It was the first time Ty and I cooked a turkey, we were so proud of ourselves, now granted the turkey was precooked and smoked and all we had to do was put in the oven, but it was still divine! It was so tasty! We had the Keels over! We wish we had more time to hangout with them, they are such a blast. Well pretty much everyone in our ward is a blast! Anyways, we had stuffing, green beans, Rhodes Rolls (which reminds me Ty and I need to renew our Sam's club membership,) and the Keels made Grits, both breakfast and dessert! They were HEAVENLY!!!
I have also become addicted to Psych, I am on season 4 and cannot wait for season 5!! We also found a great show called American Picker's. It is such a neat show because it is people who are antique finders and they go looking in people's junk throughout america. We love watching the different things people collect and how much they collect. There was one guy who had 5 acres of just junk! CRAZY!
Ty and I will both be working until Wednesday, hopefully until Tuesday but we will see! I will be working at my typical job in the Career and Academic Advising Center and with Ty's new business he is going to be eventually getting from a friend called Idaho white glove! Idaho White Glove is a great opportunity for Ty to learn about running a business. He has learned a lot thus far!
We are very excited to get out of Rexburg for a small break! The roads here are literally a sheet of ice. I walked to work today and almost ate it 20 times, seriously. I also almost fell into gutter water because the ice was not thick enough to hold my weight.. dang marriage weight gain! ha it was a funny morning!!
I love Psych! The characters are seriously hilarious. I watch it by myself on Hulu when I'm doing laundry and I feel so silly because I keep laughing out loud. My roommates probably think I'm crazy!
Hey! Great Minds think alike! We also are all hooked on PSYCH and Steve and I love watching American PIckers too, one mans junk is another mans treasure they say! Have a fun break and be careful on the ice!
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